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Health & Wellness

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Is Drinking Wine Each Night Actually Healthy?

Written by Spencer Higgs

Reviewed by Liz Brown

Is wine healthy? It’s a question that’s raised a lot of debate. Pour a glass of your favorite fermented grape juice and learn about the why’s and how’s of the health benefits of wine.

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The work day ends. Vinyl classics spin on my record player. Olives, cheese, and crackers are fished out for a quick snack. And then… “Pop!” It’s time to wine down for the evening. This little ritual of a glass of wine before, or with dinner, is shared among people and cultures around the globe, common in numerous cultures. Many would agree it’s a good (and tasty) way to relax; but is wine healthy when it really comes down to it?

The answer is—yes. Though the operative word here is “a”, as in, “A glass of wine each night is healthy. A bottle… not so much.”

So pour yourself a glass, and let’s dive into the what’s, how’s, and why’s of healthy wine-ing.

is wine healthy? woman drinking red wine

Benefits Of Red Wine

Red wine is recognized as being healthier than white wine. But why? They both contain similar levels of vitamins, minerals, and calories, right? The answer is that red wine contains higher concentrations of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, which provide us with reduced risk of heart diseases in a few different ways:

One of the compounds that’s extremely prevalent in red wine is resveratrol. This powerful little polyphenol works like an antioxidant to protect against damage and oxidative stress we put on our bodies. Resveratrol may be so much higher in red wine because it’s found in grape skin; and many white wines use red grapes, but remove the skin to get the crystalline color. 

The heart-healthiness of red wine is backed up by data. Studies have found that HDL levels (the good cholesterol) increases 11-16% with one to two glasses of wine per night. [1] Overall, modest red wine consumption decreases your risk of dying from heart disease by 30%. [2]

  • Red wine may protect against Alzheimer’s and other age-related diseases—A lot of research has been conducted on resveratrol, much of it fueled by the French paradox, the curiosity of the French living longer lives, despite their traditionally highly saturated-fat diets. [3] Research has revealed that one of the benefits of red wine, thanks to high resveratrol levels, is neuroprotection, particularly in the defense against Alzheimer’s diseases and other forms of brain decline. [4]
  • Diabetes—There’s even evidence to indicate that resveratrol can improve insulin sensitivity, a factor (along with heart and brain health) that can translate to prolong lifespans. 
  • Reduced risk of cancer—Thanks to red wine’s ability to reduce oxidative stress, there’s strong evidence that adds cancer prevention to the list of benefits of red wine in moderation. [5]
  • Improved joint health—Researchers have found that compounds in red wine can help reduce the risk of osteoarthritis, a debilitating and painful joint disease affecting many people as they age. [6] If you’re worried about osteoarthritis, or joint health in general, in addition to red wine, try taking Super Youth collagen peptides. Because collagen makes up the vast majority of the proteins in our joints, ligaments and tendons, replenishing your collagen levels with high-grade supplementation can go a long way. [7] Some SkinnyFit-ers put Super Youth unflavored collagen directly into their wine. Not your thing? No worries—it will mix into almost any liquid or food, totally undetected.

How Many Calories In A Glass Of Red Wine?

There are only about 125 calories in a glass of red wine. [8] Compared with other alcoholic drinks, like beers and sugary cocktails, that’s a win. White wine does have marginally fewer calories, however, the lack of micronutrients such as resveratrol don’t bump it above red in terms of health. [9

What counts as one glass of wine?

Ugh… not quite. Just because the wine is in a glass, doesn’t make it a “glass of wine.” I know… damn. Standardly, five ounces (148 milliliters) of wine is considered a glass.

how many calories in wine? women sitting on bed drinking red wine

Is Wine Healthy Or Not? The Verdict 

Is wine healthy? Yes, in moderation. Is wine healthy for everyone? No. There are many circumstances in which you should not drink wine—or any alcohol, for that matter. 

Dangers of too much alcohol

While a glass of wine a night is considered healthy (or at least not unhealthy), too much alcohol can result in the follower risks:

  • Weight gain
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Liver & pancreatic disease 
  • Heart failure
  • High blood pressure
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Acts of violence 
  • Dangerous or fatal accidents
  • Hiccups, drunk dialing your ex, belief that you can actually dance

Never (ever, ever) drink alcohol if:

  • You are pregnant. Contrary to old belief, no amount of alcohol (even “just one glass of wine”) is healthy during pregnancy
  • You have a personal of family history of alcoholism
  • You have pancreatic or liver issues 
  • You already have heart issues
  • Are on certain medications
  • You plan on driving

Which Red Wine Is Healthiest?

Is wine healthy? There are enough benefits of red wine to say, yes! But pinot noir is the healthiest of the varieties.

Producing pinot noir requires a slightly different process, which results in less sugar and fewer calories per glass. If you do go for a glass of wine each evening, developing a taste for pinot noir is your healthiest bet.

Need some recommendations? Here are my three favorite pinots, and their prices:

  • Bread & Butter—Balanced, smooth, delicious: $14.00-16.00
  • Angeline—Bright and easy drinking: $8.00-12.00 
  • Louis Latour—Burgundian style, great with cheese: $18.00-19.00

About The Author

Spencer Higgs

Fitness & Nutrition Journalist

Spencer is a lifestyle writer, culinary adventurist, and part-time health nut. He loves finding healthy hacks to not-so-healthy cuisine, and writes passionately about cocktails and coffee. When not writing, you can almost certainly find him lying in a hammock or driving the coast in search of sur

Reviewed By

Liz Brown

Fitness & Nutrition Expert (CPT., FNS.)

Liz is a health & wellness expert, writer, and editor with over a decade of experience in the fitness & nutrition industry. She emphasizes research and simplifies complex topics to help make healthy living simple and sustainable. When she isn't researching and writing, she's sharing delicious recipes, easy DIYs, and home decor tips on her blog and social media.

More from Liz, visit: Personal Blog, TikTok, Instagram


  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer(since 2012)
  • NASM Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist (since 2014)
  • Credentialed Coach Practitioner, Coach Training Academy
  • B.A. Liberal Studies (Health & Nutrition Sciences)
  • A.A. Liberal Arts (STEM)

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