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7 Winter Beauty Must-Haves For Flawless Skin

Written by Samantha W

Give your winter beauty routine an overhaul with these pro-tips for absolutely beautiful, flawless skin!

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It’s hard to believe that winter is just around the corner, and dare I say, THE HOLIDAYS?! As the seasons change, so do many things in my life. My ability to stay inside, my attitude…but we’ll get into that later. 🤣

The real reason I’m speaking with you today is to address an important change women need to make during the winter months that is often overlooked—your winter beauty routine! If you’re anything like me, you know that wearing the same makeup and using the same skincare products during the winter is a definite no-no. But if this is all new information to you, well, buckle up because I’m going to share my top winter beauty tips and update your winter beauty routine for softer, smoother skin that won’t dry out.

There are a variety of things you can do over the next few months to keep your skin, winter beauty, and winter beauty makeup healthy. Not to mention, perfect for family photos and holiday cards! 🙌

7 Winter Beauty Must-Haves For Flawless Skin

Best Winter Beauty Tips For Women

You’re going to LOVE these simple winter beauty tips and tricks to get you through the winter months. Some of them may seem obvious, but number three will surprise you…

  • Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize—Although it may seem counter-intuitive, winter is actually the most important time of year to ensure your skin is getting enough hydration, AKA moisturizer.  Cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air that pulls moisture out of the skin. I suggest spending some extra time massaging your moisturizer into your skin to boost it’s natural glow, and don’t be afraid to use a TON! Apply moisturizer throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated and refreshed. If you’ve already applied your makeup, use a light spritz of water to hydrate during the day, or invest in a facial mist.
  • Keep lips hydrated—Another one of my winter beauty tips is to keep your lips hydrated. Lack of humidity during the winter months can cause cracked, dry, uncomfortable lips. A consistent schedule of hydration is your best friend if you want to achieve a soft and supple pout in the dead of winter. If your lips tend to become extremely dry during the winter, switching up to winter makeup can also help. Dark winter lip colors like oxblood, burgundy, and deep violets  can mask your dryness, giving your lips the boost you’ve been searching for! For more tips on how to treat dry, cracked lips in cold weather, be sure to check out these five home remedies for chapped lips!
  • Switch to winter makeup—Just as your clothes change in the winter, so should your winter makeup! Winter beauty is a thing, so save your summer favs for next year. Now, I’m certainly not saying you need to go and buy all new winter makeup, but comb through your beauty products and set aside anything with darker tones. Darker lipsticks, eyeshadows, and maybe even a smokey eye will show that you’re embracing winter to the fullest! This winter beauty tip is one that seems to get overlooked, especially if you’re not one to change up your makeup routine.
  • Replenish your skin & body from the inside—Winter beauty and winter makeup isn’t just on the outside. In fact, it all starts from within. I’m going to leave you at a cliff hanger for this one, just because suspense can sometimes be fun. Keep reading to discover my top three beauty products you need this winter…
7 Winter Beauty Must-Haves For Flawless Skin
7 Winter Beauty Must-Haves For Flawless Skin

Best Winter Beauty Products 

1. Vitamin C.

Okay, we talked about hydration for your skin during the winter, and adding vitamin C into your routine can do just that! This powerful antioxidant helps strengthen the skin, and even helps exfoliate to promote healthy skin turnover.  

2. Lip Balm & H20

Achieve “Cali girl” lips in the Midwest with a simple, cheap, drugstore lip balm. Lip balms with sunscreen help keep dryness away, and applying liberally throughout the day goes without saying. Drinking plenty of water also helps keep your lips hydrated, so make your favorite water bottle your new bff during the winter. 

3. Red & Green Juice

Okay, now I’m finally going to tell you about tip #4, and the answer may surprise you. I mentioned earlier that winter beauty actually starts from within. What do I mean by this? Replenishing your body with antioxidants and superfoods commonly found in red and green superfood powders, like Skinny Greens and Beauty Juice, not only keep your skin dewy, hydrated, and flawless, but also helps prevent seasonal weight gain that occurs around the holidays.Antioxidant-rich Beauty Juice is an anti-inflammatory superfood blend that helps reverse signs of aging and boosts the skin’s moisture barrier, which is one of the most important winter beauty tips I can give! Skinny Greens is packed with mood-boosting and fat-fighting superfoods that help fight through the winter blues and uncomfortable belly bloat that tends to happen this time of year. 

Mentioned In This Post

Essential Superfoods Bundle

The best of both (superfood) worlds! Insider tip? They taste AMAZING mixed together! Each Essential Superfoods Bundle includes 30 servings of Skinny Greens and 30 servings of Beauty Juice.

Learn More

The Bottom Line 

Winter can take a drastic toll on our skin and makeup routine. But winter beauty doesn’t have to be as ice cold as New York City during December. These simple winter beauty tips are all you need to keep your skin hydrated and your makeup routine anything but boring! Remember, beauty starts from within. ♥️

About The Author

Samantha W

Nutrition Enthusiast

Samantha is a wellness and lifestyle writer from Chicago Illinois, obsessed with food and fitness. She loves putting healthy twists on not-so-healthy food favorites that everyone can enjoy. You can often find her at the beach reading and writing, or playing with her BFF Milton (the cutest dog you’ve ever seen).

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