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Evidence Based

The Best 21-Day Walking Plan For Weight Loss (Beginners Guide)

Written by Liz Brown

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If walking your way to weight loss never crossed your mind, think again! Walking for exercise is probably one of the most underrated forms of exercise when it comes to weight loss. Most people assume that in order to reach their weight loss goals they need to spend countless hours running or weight lifting. While these types of training styles are shown to increase fat loss and build lean muscle mass, they aren’t the only ways. In fact, anyone can benefit from a walking program to lose weight—it just requires a little bit of planning and understanding the proper progression needed in order to see your desired results. 

This 21-day walking plan is a beginner walking program designed for anyone looking to lose weight by getting in their steps. By completing this program, you will improve your cardiovascular endurance, increase your metabolic rate, boost your energy levels, and ultimately, lose weight! 

Here’s what we’ll cover…

Health Benefits Of Walking For Exercise

Walking is awesome. Honestly, it is. I mean, what’s not to love? It’s free, it’s simple, and it’s easy on your joints. Weight loss is just one of the many reasons to try a 21-day walking plan.

These are the health benefits you can expect when you start walking for exercise: 

walking program to lose weight


How To Lose Weight With Walking

Losing weight can be tricky considering the different factors at play. And much like any form of exercise, whether it’s weight lifting, jogging, or even playing sports, there are a few rules and non-negotiables you need to accept if you want to see lasting results. So, when you start a walking program to lose weight, incorporating these five strategies into your routine will help you ease into a healthier lifestyle overall and accelerate your results in the process.

1. Consistency is key

We’ve heard this phrase before, so why is it so important in regard to weight loss? Well, consistency leads to habits. Remember when you were a kid and your parents forced you to brush your teeth every morning and every night, despite the dramatic tantrums and objections? By being consistent with brushing your teeth at a young age, you were able to turn what was once a task you hated, into a habit that remains a part of your daily routine—and you do it without even thinking! It’s become something you do automatically. So, when you start walking for exercise, staying consistent will ensure that you are progressing the way you need to in order to see results. 

walking plan for weight loss

2. Clean up your diet

I know, I know, I wish losing weight was easy enough to where this wasn’t a factor. But unfortunately, cleaning up your diet is a non-negotiable if you want to lose weight with walking. A poor diet is often times the primary factor that prevents people from reaching their health and fitness goals. Overeating is one of the most common reasons people gain weight because not only is it easy to lose track of how much you’re eating, but most foods are calorie-dense, which increases the likelihood that you’ll exceed your daily caloric intake. Reducing your total calories and eating real foods that are nutrient-dense will help reduce the likelihood of overeating. If you’re unsure how to get started with healthy eating, this clean eating grocery list will help you make smarter decisions next time you hit the grocery store. 

3. Supplements are your friend

When you exercise regularly your metabolism starts operating more effectively. This means your body processes your calories and nutrients a lot quicker and more efficiently than it was when you weren’t exercising as much. It’s important to replenish your body with important nutrients that are lost during exercise—like electrolytes. Electrolytes regulate nerve and muscle function, keep the body hydrated, balance blood acidity and pressure, and help rebuild damaged tissue [1]. Similarly, consuming protein after a long walk will help your muscles recover quickly and even decrease soreness! Try this delicious Collagen Coconut Water for a quick fix of protein and electrolytes after a workout, or simply drink one scoop of SkinnyFit Repair & Recover with water. It’s packed with electrolytes and BCAAs to accelerate the healing process and give your muscles the nutrients they need to recover. 

SkinnyFit Repair & Recover

4. Recovery is crucial

In addition to good recovery supplements, doing a proper warm-up and cool-down before and after walking is essential to keeping up with your routine. I mean, really, is there anything worse than being so sore from a workout that you can’t even sit on the toilet without needing a forklift to help you get back up again? Who wants to exercise when they feel like that? No one. Which is why recovery is so important! Make sure to spend a good 5-10 minutes before and after your workout warming up and stretching to prevent injury and keep you limber! 

5. Get your mind right

When it comes to weight loss, many people mistakenly approach it with the all-or-nothing mentality and go from 0-100 overnight. In theory, this might seem like a great idea but in reality, it can actually set you up to fail in the long term. One of the most common reasons people fail to see lasting results is from lack of planning and setting unrealistic goals from the get-go. So, before you jump into this 21-day walking plan, take a few minutes to learn how to set realistic weight loss goals. Doing so will give you a healthy advantage at the grocery store.

walking plan for weight loss

21-Day Walking Plan For Beginners

Walking is considered a type of low-intensity steady-state cardio, also known as LISS. This type of cardio is by far the most popular because it involves the repetition of the same movement for long periods of time—like running, cycling, or this beginner walking program, for example. It’s easy and doesn’t involve a ton of thinking. Studies show that 30-60 minutes of LISS training can help the body become conditioned over time to use fat as a fuel source. LISS is low-impact and helps with joint and bone health, improves your cardiovascular endurance, and prepares you for higher-intensity workouts.

By the end of this 21-day walking plan, you will increase your duration, pace, and resistance to improve your overall health and lose weight. 

Here are a few key indicators to help you find an accurate pace based on where you are in the program. If you prefer to use heart rate training, use these heart rate zones based on your maximum heart rate.

Remember to warm up and cool down for 5 minutes before and after your walk! 

Week 1

Your focus for week one is to slowly increase the duration of your walks. We’ll start small and work our way up to a healthy distance. Depending on your preference, you can either split the minutes and do a morning walk and evening walk, or you can complete the full time during one walk. 

Week 2

The primary focus this week will be increasing your pace! We’ll practice short circuits from easy to moderate-paced walking.

Week 3

Week 3 will be all about increasing your resistance. This can be walking uphill, hiking, or even taking the stairs. Your pace will fluctuate from easy to moderate, however, adding resistance will increase your heart rate to the high-end of the aerobic zone.

About The Author

Liz Brown

Fitness & Nutrition Expert (CPT., FNS.)

Liz is a health & wellness expert, writer, and editor with over a decade of experience in the fitness & nutrition industry. She emphasizes research and simplifies complex topics to help make healthy living simple and sustainable. When she isn't researching and writing, she's sharing delicious recipes, easy DIYs, and home decor tips on her blog and social media.

More from Liz, visit: Personal Blog, TikTok, Instagram


  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer(since 2012)
  • NASM Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist (since 2014)
  • Credentialed Coach Practitioner, Coach Training Academy
  • B.A. Liberal Studies (Health & Nutrition Sciences)
  • A.A. Liberal Arts (STEM)

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