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Health & Wellness

5 Easy Desk-Friendly Ways to Get Fit At Work

Written by Shelby Torrese

Did you know that June is Professional Wellness Month? Professional Wellness Month (PWM) is a full month dedicated to the work-wellness balance. Many of us sit at desks, work from home, and are stay at home moms–all of which require little to no support on staying healthy while productive. Whether your desk is now your [...]
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Did you know that June is Professional Wellness Month? Professional Wellness Month (PWM) is a full month dedicated to the work-wellness balance. Many of us sit at desks, work from home, and are stay at home moms–all of which require little to no support on staying healthy while productive. Whether your desk is now your kitchen table or you feel like you never leave your office space, this blog includes desk exercises that are going to help you create a well-balanced work and wellness life.

Today I’ll be covering five of my favorite desk-friendly exercises, and ways to enhance your work workouts. I know this is going to be a game-changer for so many of you, and I can’t wait to hear how it goes!

Desk workout

5 Desk-Friendly Exercises 

Desk exercises are workouts that you can do at your desk, or with a desk-like tabletop. I’ve also included one under desk exercise that you can do anytime. These moves do not require any desk exercise equipment, and I’ll even share how a tabletop, not a desk, will work just fine.

1. Desk Push-Ups

If you have a desk (or tabletop) that lands about hip height, these desk push-ups will be perfect. If your desk is a little lower, it will make the movement more challenging. If your desk is a higher standing desk, it will make it easier. Step about a foot or two away from the desk, then place your hands on the edge of your desk or table. Straighten out so that you have a nice long line from your head to your heels. Do about 10 reps to start.

Desk push up

2. Tricep Chair Dips

With a sturdy chair (NOT a rolling chair), you can get your arms in shape with these simple chair tricep dips. Simply slide off of your chair with your hands on the edge of the chair, with fingertips facing your body. Lower yourself down until your arms make a 90 degree angle, and continue pulsing up and down for about 10 reps. You can bend your legs to make the movement easier, or extend your legs long for a challenge.

3. Desk Calf Raises

This is by far one of the easiest desk exercises to fit into the work day because you could technically do it while working! With your hands gently landed on your desk or table, simply lift high up onto your toes and then lower down just an inch before your heel meets the floor. Continue for 15 reps. Make sure you’re not applying too much weight to the desk, your hands are simply on the desk for balance, not support.

4. Chair Squats

Chair squats are a great way to keep your squat depth consistent. Stand about six inches or so away from your chair, with feet slightly wider than hips-width distance. Sit back and down just enough to feel your glutes hit the chair behind you. Stand right back up, squeeze your glutes for a full two seconds, and repeat. 15 reps will do the trick. Protip: If you have a chair that you can adjust the height, put it on its lowest setting for a deeper, more challenging squat.

Chair squats

5. Under Desk Pedaling

If you like to be efficient, a pedal machine is a great option. This under desk exercise is one you can do during the workday without thinking twice about it. It’s simply the pedals of a bike on a small platform that fits right under your desk. Pedal all day long, or designate 15-30 minutes to enjoy the ride!

Enhance Your Work Workouts

Aside from desk exercises, there are some great ways you can enhance your work workouts. First, having the SkinnyFit Hydro Bottle on your desk is a great way to make sure you stay hydrated. It comes with progress trackers and encouraging messages to remind you to keep sipping! Next, set an alarm every 90 minutes to get moving. This can be for a walk around the block, or to do your desk exercises. Lastly, one of my favorite ways to enhance work workouts is with a great playlist!! Create a list of your favorite songs that are sure to hype you up!

SkinnyFit Hydro Bottle

Boost your daily water intake so you can keep your health goals on track with SkinnyFit Hydro Bottle’s convenient time and motivational markers.

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About The Author

Shelby Torrese

Nutrition, Movement & Meditation Coach

Shelby Torrese is a wellness enthusiast (and matcha fanatic!) from Miami, FL. She attributes her love of movement to her mom, a personal trainer, and her love of food to her dad, a farmer. She studied creative writing in college while getting her yoga certification, and went on to pursue fitness and nutrition in grad school. Her go-to advice is, “Balance,” and she is a firm believer that the ocean can cure just about everything.

  • Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher
  • NASM Certified Nutrition Coach
  • M.S. in Human Performance


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