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7 Cute Gym Hairstyles To Try (+Tips For Styling Sweaty Hair)

Written by Samantha W

Sweat it out and still look cute doing so! Here are 7 gym hairstyles that will make your workout a little bit easier.

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Shameless gym selfie? Arm flex pic while no one is looking? Guilty as charged. 🙋‍♀️ Hey, I gotta hold myself accountable somehow, right? 

But when my hair is a sweaty mess and my baby curls are protruding out of the side of my head, my fitness fame ambitions become less of a reality. That’s why I’ve put together this list of gym hairstyles for frizz-free flawlessness that can withstand the intensity of any workout. 💪 As an added bonus, I’ll even share my best tips for styling sweaty gym hair if you’re on the go directly after a workout! 

gym hairstyles
gym hairstyles

Cute Hairstyles For The Gym

Dreaded gym hair was an inevitable side effect of working out—until now. These simple gym hairstyles are a total game-changer for keeping those locks on lockdown and out of your face, while still looking fab!

1. Top knot

Nothing beats a classic. The top knot bun holds all your hair in place, and works perfectly for both straight and curly hair. Use a leave in conditioner to hold baby hair and frizz in place. 

2. High rope braid

This one works best with medium to long hair. The high rope braid is a sporty twist on the classic pony, and looks great when slicked back with a serum. 

3. Back braid

A great way to keep those baby hairs off your neck. The back braid locks in those tiny hairs that always seem to get away, and will look great for your backside selfie. 😏

4. Half up

If you want your hair out of your face, but still want to add some cute style to your workout routine, half up half down is always a great option. This one is especially great for low-impact workouts that don’t involve a ton of jumping. 

5. Fun buns

Whether you’re using this gym hairstyle for a cute alien costume, or are in fact using it for the gym, these buns are indeed fun!

6. Braided pigtails

Otherwise known as boxer braids, you’ll most definitely feel like a workout warrior with this hairstyle for the gym! 💪

7. Pony with scarf

If you’re trying to impress that cute spin instructor or looking to add a youthful touch to your outfit, throw a scarf on it! Adding a simple scarf to your pony is an easy way to spice up your gym hair! You can still look cute while working up a sweat with these easy hairstyles for the gym.

gym hairstyles
gym hairstyles

Tips For Styling Sweaty Gym Hair

With only an hour lunch break, spending a lot of time to get ready after a workout simply isn’t feasible. Here are some pro tips and tricks for styling sweaty gym hair after rocking your new favorite gym hairstyles! 

1. Dry shampoo

Toss some dry shampoo into your gym bag and use it before that sweaty gym hair even happens! Spray a little throughout your roots before your workout, to soak up the excess oil and dirt that builds up when you sweat. If your roots are still a little sweaty afterwards, spray some additional dry shampoo along your roots and tousle your hair for some added volume.

2. Blow-dry bar

Sweaty gym hairstyles can leave our locks looking flat and in desperate need of some “umph”! Use a blow dryer to dry your roots, and then apply some volumizing spray. 

3. Pick your pony

The type of hair tie you choose for your hairstyles for the gym is important. Opt for a gentle hair tie or a silk pony that won’t pull, tug, or crease your hair. 

4. Beach babe

Texturizing spray is an easy way to turn your gym hairstyles into mermaid waves. Damp your hair after your workout and spray while moving your fingers through your hair.

5. Sleek low bun

If you’re the type that simply can’t handle sweaty gym hair or perhaps your go-to workout involves a pool, opt for a sleek low bun with a center part. This style looks great with a casual or dressy outfit and even business attire. Just add a pair of gold hoop earrings and you’re good to go!

The Bottom Line On Gym Hair

Gone are the days of throwing your hair up with one of the five million hair ties you always seem to lose. These fun and stylish gym hairstyles are sure to make your next gym sesh one you’ll want to document! 

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About The Author

Samantha W

Nutrition Enthusiast

Samantha is a wellness and lifestyle writer from Chicago Illinois, obsessed with food and fitness. She loves putting healthy twists on not-so-healthy food favorites that everyone can enjoy. You can often find her at the beach reading and writing, or playing with her BFF Milton (the cutest dog you’ve ever seen).

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