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Health & Wellness

Quick & Easy HIIT Workout Moves To Burn Belly Fat

Written by Shelby Torrese

In college, at-home workouts were my jam. I loved paying $0 to be fit and healthy. It wasn’t long, though, until I felt like I hit a wall. I felt like I wasn’t improving, building any more muscle, or dropping any more weight. Even though I was working out almost every day, I knew something [...]
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In college, at-home workouts were my jam. I loved paying $0 to be fit and healthy. It wasn’t long, though, until I felt like I hit a wall. I felt like I wasn’t improving, building any more muscle, or dropping any more weight. Even though I was working out almost every day, I knew something was missing. In perfect timing, I was starting a personal training internship at my school’s gym the following semester, and I found out what the missing piece was–high intensity interval training, also known as HIIT. Doing HIIT workouts at home, or in my dorm I should say, absolutely changed my life.

Today I’ll be sharing five amazing HIIT workouts for women looking to get past the stubborn fat phase. These workouts will also be great for beginners, so no need for experience, and especially no equipment!

HIIT Workout Moves To Burn Belly Fat

5 HIIT Moves To Burn Belly Fat

I’ve compiled my top five favorite HIIT workouts for women. They’ll all get your heart rate up, help you work up a sweat, get you toned in less time, and leave you feeling great! Below each exercise I outline exactly how to do the exercise, and give options on how many reps to do each. If you’re just getting back into things, start with fewer reps and work your way up.

1. Jump Squats

Jump squats are a sure way to work up a sweat. Simply start in a squat position–toes facing out at about 11 and 1 o’clock, butt back and down. Bring your arms out in front of you, then explode up into a jump with arms by your side, slightly behind you for momentum.

Start with about 10-15 reps

jump squats

2. Bear Crawl

The bear crawl is the silent killer. It looks innocent and fun, but you’re working your whole body, so you feel it quick. Start in a tabletop position, and lift your knees up off the ground just a few inches. Walk your right hand and right foot forward, then your left hand and left foot. Repeat, keeping your knees floating the entire time.

Crawl forward 5-7x, and backward 5-7x 

bear crawl

3. Power Skips

This is easily my favorite HIIT workout because it puts a huge smile on my face. It reminds me of being a kid, and honestly I don’t know how anyone can do this without grinning. Imagine a regular skip, but with an extra boost. So instead of skipping for bounce, make the airborne part of the power skip for height and distance. See how high you can skip, while also covering as much distance as possible.

Power skip 8-12x each side

power skips

4. Plank Jacks

Plank jacks are a great way to work your core. They’re a simple and effective workout, and one of my favorite HIIT workouts at home movements. Start in a plank position, keeping your arms, and core strong, and jump your feet together, then back out wide. Repeat.

Repeat 15-20 reps

plank jacks

5. High Knees

This move may take you back to grade school P.E. Start standing, with feet hips width apart. Tuck one knee to your chest, then quickly alternate to the other leg. Try and keep the movement going, without pausing too much between. Keep your chest high, and avoid leaning over toward your knees. Pump your arms with each leg alteration.

Alternate through 10-15 each side

High knees

How To Maximize Results

As much as I love HIIT workouts at home, they require an extra dose of motivation at times. I know for me, it can be difficult to suddenly make the room I’ve been working in all day, or watch TV in, my gym. Days like that are when I call in backup! Jump Start is my go-to pre-workout for women. It’s delicious, so easy to take on the go, and provides all the motivation you need to crush your workout. Plus, it’s even shown to improve mood, and endurance. Take one delicious pink lemonade scoop in water, and get ready to get moving! 

Mentioned In This Post

Jump Start Pre-Workout

This pink lemonade pre-workout is formulated specifically for women to provide all the motivation, focus, and endurance needed to crush your exercise routine—without the crash!

Learn More

About The Author

Shelby Torrese

Nutrition, Movement & Meditation Coach

Shelby Torrese is a wellness enthusiast (and matcha fanatic!) from Miami, FL. She attributes her love of movement to her mom, a personal trainer, and her love of food to her dad, a farmer. She studied creative writing in college while getting her yoga certification, and went on to pursue fitness and nutrition in grad school. Her go-to advice is, “Balance,” and she is a firm believer that the ocean can cure just about everything.

  • Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher
  • NASM Certified Nutrition Coach
  • M.S. in Human Performance


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