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Mango Splash Green Superfood Smoothie Recipe

Written by Samantha W

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Okay, okay, I’m sure by now you’re not overly excited about yet another so-called-healthy superfood smoothie recipe. 

I get it, trust me. There are countless blogs, recipes, and smoothie shops that have by now pounded into your head about how good they are for you. 

Well, guess what? The majority of them are not actually as healthy as they claim. Most are packed with sugar, and aside from a few fruit benefits, they don’t actually do all that much. 

I’ve got a green superfood smoothie recipe you won’t have to second guess. It’s packed with over 34 incredible superfoods and doesn’t have a long list of ingredients either! You may already know where I’m going with this but trust me when I say there’s a HUGE TWIST to this recipe you weren’t expecting… but I’ll get to that in a little bit.

What Makes This Superfood Smoothie So Healthy?

This green superfood smoothie recipe isn’t your typical superfood smoothie because it’s packed with PROVEN benefits that you’ll actually see and feel!

Why? How? What makes this green superfood smoothie different from the rest? Great question, my friends, I’m glad you asked!

For starters, it’s got the “now sold out 6 TIMES” green superfood powder, Skinny Greens, in it! If you don’t already know, Skinny Greens packs an insane amount of benefits into one, easy-to-use powder, just like in this superfood smoothie! 

1. Promotes a healthy weight

The Slimming Greens Blend in Skinny Greens does exactly what it says: helps you slim down, the natural way! It contains waist-trimming ingredients, such as green tea leaf extract, which has been shown to aid in exercise-related weight loss, and apple cider vinegar, which can increase the body’s ability to burn fat by a whopping 68%! (1)

2. Provides natural energy boost

Say goodbye to caffeine crashes and jitters! Skinny Greens contains natural ingredients, like organic matcha leaves, which have been shown to provide smooth, long-lasting energy (2). The Wholesome Superfood Blend in Super Youth Skinny Greens also contains ingredients that have been shown to boost mood and improve concentration. Just one scoop into this green smoothie recipe in the morning and you’ll find yourself checking more off your to-do list than ever before!

3. Improves digestion & boosts immunity

As if this green superfood smoothie wasn’t amazing enough, Skinny Greens contains both pre- and probiotics in its Gut Health Probiotic Blend. Probiotics have been shown time and time again to help reduce bloating, ease uncomfortable digestion issues, and even help eliminate IBS! (3) 

The Skinny Greens ingredients in this green smoothie recipe also contain immune-loving ingredients, such as turmeric root extract, which is a natural immune-booster, so you can help fend off sickness and boost productivity! 

It’s hard to believe there are even more benefits in this superfood smoothie, but read on for “better body” feels!

mango splash green superfood smoothie

Superfood Smoothie Ingredients

You can skip the sugar that is in most green smoothie recipes because this green superfood smoothie swaps sugar for heart, brain, and body-healthy greens and bananas! 

1. Spinach

No one wakes up in the morning and goes, “I think I’ll have a nice bowl of spinach for breakfast”. At least, I don’t…

But with benefits as good as these, it’s what we should be doing! Don’t worry, this superfood smoothie makes it super easy to get all of these benefits in one.Spinach is high in fiber, which helps ease digestion and may even soothe bloating! It also contains an abundance of “good-for-you” vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamin A, and vitamin C. 

2. Banana

Bananas have an excellent amount of nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and magnesium, just to name a few. Bananas, such as the ones in this green smoothie recipe, also have some mighty antioxidants in them! Antioxidants help reduce free radicals which may help lower your risk for certain diseases. 

By adding bananas into this superfood smoothie, you’re also improving your digestion, because bananas contain belly balancing fiber in them!

3. Skinny Greens superfood powder

Okay, I know I’ve bragged plenty about the benefits of Skinny Greens in this green superfood smoothie, but seriously, they’re pretty amazing! But remember that unexpected twist I mentioned earlier? Well, did you know that SkinnyFit has a sister brand (called Super Youth), and some of your favorite products, like Skinny Greens, are available in entirely new flavors?! If you did then you must be an OG SkinnyFit fan! But if this is news to you then we’re excited to introduce to you the new flavor from Super Youth—Mango Splash! That’s right, the very same 34 superfood blend but in a delicious mango flavor, perfect for this mango green superfood smoothie! 

mango splash green superfood smoothie

How To Make A Green Superfood Smoothie

Alright let’s get to the good stuff, how to make this oh-so-scrumptious superfood smoothie! 

This green superfood smoothie is seriously perfect for taking on-the-go! It takes just five minutes to whip up this green smoothie recipe, so you can skip those hectic “What do I eat for breakfast?!” mornings! 

And with this superfood smoothie, it’s never been easier to get all of your greens in for the day! Make a large batch the night before and it will last you a few days. Pop it into your favorite SkinnyFit Shaker Bottle and you’ll find yourself actually craving the greens in this superfood smoothie! 

Ready to make this green superfood smoothie? Let’s go! 

Mango Splash Green Superfood Smoothie

If you're looking for a green superfood smoothie bursting with flavor, this one will knock your socks off! It's packed with 34 superfoods and a BIG TWIST you weren't expecting!
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Serving Size: 1 smoothie


  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup nut milk (or any non-dairy milk of choice)
  • 1 scoop Super Youth Skinny Greens Superfood Powder (Mango Splash)
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • ¼ cup ice


  1. Add all ingredients into a powerful blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

About The Author

Samantha W

Nutrition Enthusiast

Samantha is a wellness and lifestyle writer from Chicago Illinois, obsessed with food and fitness. She loves putting healthy twists on not-so-healthy food favorites that everyone can enjoy. You can often find her at the beach reading and writing, or playing with her BFF Milton (the cutest dog you’ve ever seen).

  • MA Communication Studies

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