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Age-Defying Green Smoothie Recipe (For Radiant Skin)

Written by Samantha W

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Green has never looked (or tasted) so good! This green smoothie recipe isn’t the kind that makes you feel like you’re slurping down a mixture of grass and dirt–you know, the one you hate to drink but you do it anyway because you know it’s good for you…

Just because it’s green doesn’t mean it can’t taste delicious! We have the ULTIMATE power greens smoothie that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day! This powerful combination of refreshing green ingredients will have you feeling lean and mean (in a good way), and will fill you up and help you kick those unhealthy cravings so you can confidently say “thank you, next” to that calorie-filled breakfast sandwich.

green smoothie recipe

A Healthy And Delicious Superfood Breakfast

Loaded with superfoods and antioxidants, this recipe is the perfect morning boost and a great low-calorie alternative to creamy lattes and sweetened coffees. Spinach provides your body with fibrous protein, vitamins, and minerals like magnesium and calcium that are essential for good bone health! And if that wasn’t enough, studies done on the contents of this versatile vegetable show that it may lower the risk of cancer, prevent constipation, and aid in digestion.

Kale is extremely high in nutrients and low in calories, making it one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the plant. Kale also contains a ton of powerful antioxidants, which work to counteract oxidative damage by free radicals in the body. With all of these awesome health benefits, you can see why we added these powerful greens to our green smoothie recipe!

power greens smoothie

A Refreshing And Healthy Morning Treat

When we created this power greens smoothie, we didn’t want you to feel like you were drinking a salad. 🥴  That’s why we’ve added yummy, nutrient-rich fruit to this power greens smoothie—you’ll still get the powerful benefits of greens, but with the delicious and healthy punch of mangos and bananas! Because mangos contain high fiber and water content, they are excellent for your digestive system and can even prevent constipation. Mangos are also great for your skin and hair because they are rich in vitamin A, a nutrient that helps keep your hair moisturized and is necessary for the growth of tissue in the body.

Bananas are one of the best fruits you can eat for your daily dose of vitamin B6. This handy vitamin turns fats and carbohydrates into energy and helps to get rid of chemicals from the liver and kidneys. Not to mention, both of these fruits are absolutely delicious!

power green smoothie

A Power Greens Smoothie To Stop Aging

Last but not least, we included quite possibly the most powerful ingredient of them all into this recipe, SkinnyFit Super Youth Collagen. Just one scoop a day of collagen peptides can help to reverse the signs of aging and hit pause on your skin’s maturity clock.

Because collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the body, adding it into your diet can dramatically help reduce wrinkles and cellulite by increasing elasticity in the skin—which is pretty great considering our body’s natural collagen storage starts to reduce as early as age 25! So, if you’ve been looking for a recipe that packs in all the benefits of greens and actually tastes good too, you’ve come to the right place! Here is your quick 5-minute recipe that is sure to become your new favorite morning routine.

green smoothie recipe

Power Green Smoothie Recipe

This 5-minute power green smoothie recipe has everything you need to look and feel young again! Reduce the signs of aging, boost energy levels, and feel ready to take on the day!
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: -
Total Time: 5 minutes
Serving Size: 1 smoothie


  • 1 cup of spinach
  • 1 cup of kale
  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • ½ banana
  • 1 cup of milk of choice (almond)
  • 1 scoop of Super Youth


  1. Combine all ingredients in a large blender or food processor. Blend until smooth.

About The Author

Samantha W

Nutrition Enthusiast

Samantha is a wellness and lifestyle writer from Chicago Illinois, obsessed with food and fitness. She loves putting healthy twists on not-so-healthy food favorites that everyone can enjoy. You can often find her at the beach reading and writing, or playing with her BFF Milton (the cutest dog you’ve ever seen).

  • MA Communication Studies

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